How to survive a Trump tweet attack

Global brands are being challenged by the Trump administration like never before, but there still are ways to influence the White House, says Finsbury's North American president.

Speaking exclusively to Campaign Asia-Pacific on the sidelines of the recent PR360 conference in Hong Kong, Finsbury North America president Stephen Labaton talked about the challenges faced by global brands seeking influence in Washington these days.

Traditional lobbying efforts in Washington have been somewhat disrupted by the current administration.  Not only is the Trump administration unpredictable, but it may swayed to take immediate action based on the only its most recent dialogues says Labaton. This White House is not averse to taking direct aim at foreign companies either. 

But as Labaton explains, there are still means of getting through to the US President and there are ways of dealing with his direct attacks on Twitter.  In fact, Finsbury has strategies in place to deal with stinging tweets from the POTUS and it's already had to use them.

As the head of Finsbury's global crisis management practice, Labaton appeared at PR360 to present on what to do when a crisis breaks, followed by an in-depth one-on-one on stage interview with Campaign



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