Source: This is the KOL and live streaming report produced by Ebiquity. It reveals data about platforms and preferences of influencer marketing in China and the types of returns on investment marketers can expect.
5 key findings:
1. On average, KOLs have a 43% actual fan rate (number of actual fans as a proportion of that KOL’s total social media following). Rates for KOLs with the biggest followers (over 10 million) have a lower fan rate of about 38% according to DataStory

2. The top 15% of all KOLs in China generate return on investment six times more than the average KOL (DataStory)
3. Social commerce remains heavily reliant on live-streaming sales and social buyers are now a majority of digital buyers.
4. There’s no substitute to proper due diligence in choosing the right local partners and platforms to fit your business strategy. A good partner can make or break a KOL campaign, helping you eliminate fraud, set the right KPIs, find suitable KOLs, minimise your fees and ensure you hit your targets.
5. China's top social platforms are competitive in scale with the top platforms globally

7 things marketers should do to maximise their Chinese KOL ROI:
- Develop a rigorous KPI framework linked to your campaign objectives
- Deploy third-party tracking and fraud verification
Ensure full cost transparency in KOL quotations
Set KOL pricing guidelines
Set up a systematic evaluation mechanism
Agree a fit-for-purpose agency remuneration model
Ensure the right contract is in place
This article is filed under... Top of the Charts: Key data at a glance |