The results are in for the 16th version of this in-depth study, produced by Campaign Asia-Pacific in partnership with Nielsen.
Asia's Top 1000 Brands is a survey of consumer opinions across 14 markets in Asia-Pacific, assessing brand preference in 15 product/service categories. It is a fascinating temperature gauge, showing which brands are succeeding with their marketing and brand-building efforts, and which aren't managing to land their names 'top of mind' as customers' favourites.
Every year, the receipt of this data sends our editorial team into analytical overdrive, as we scour the tables for the most interesting trends and insights across categories and markets.
As always, the 2019 results are intriguing. While our dedicated website gives you plenty of options for exploring and interacting with the data yourself, here are some big stories we'd like to point out as well.
- Seemingly unshakeable Samsung retains the top spot for the 8th year running
- Much-in-the-news Huawei streams up the ranks, just as Xiaomi did last year
- Dolce & Gabbana falls 140 places. Could #chopstickgate be to blame?
- Ride-sharing brands are either way up or way down. What's affecting that?
- Spam has soared 543 places. We can't really explain this, but we'll try.
- Explore the full top 1000 list
- Watch as we reveal the top 100 brands in each of 14 markets
- Analyse a single brand's performance from 2004 to 2019
- Compare the performance of multiple brands from 2004 to 2019
- Compare the performance of the top brands in a specific category over the years
- Watch some of the region's biggest and longest-lasting brand rivalries play out
- View the full top 1000 lists from past years
1. The Top 1000 Brands white paper
We've created a 48-page white paper exclusively for Campaign Asia-Pacific members. It contains all of the data only available to members, such as the Top 1000 list itself and the Top 100 lists for each market. This can also be found via the Top 1000 Brands area of our website, but we hope this report presents it in a more convenient way.
2. Category-by-category analysis
Our editors pored over the results in each of the 15 product/service categories the research covers, looking for interesting trends and noteworthy changes. You can read all of these analyses right here:
- Heineken, Johnnie Walker still Asia's top drinks, but local favourites abound
- Asia-Pacific consumers see Zara as a luxury apparel brand
- Top Japanese auto brands hold lead over luxury, Asian rivals
- Coke stuns Asia with near-total knockout of Pepsi except in Thailand
- Consumer electronics: The battery in Samsung's brand allegiance
- Local couriers stand up to global players
- Stanchart falls behind other banks, AIA finishes first among insurers
- Bear Brand on the up; and why Vietnam favours KitKats
- The top appliances for keeping Asia cool, clean, fed and groomed
- Pantene and Dove benefit from addressing social issues
- YouTube or Netflix: Which is Asia's top streaming service?
- A McWin for McDonald's; Big branding bucks for Starbucks
- Amazon remains on top as retail competition rages, online and off
- Football boots rival sports into touch
- Sheraton, Booking.com make gains among transport, travel and leisure brands
3. Local and 'value' insights
Aside from the main questions asked to consumers (see methodology section below), we asked two extra questions for 2019.
First, we repeated a question we first asked in 2018, getting consumers' opinions about which local brands resonate most in their home countries.
Second, we added a fresh pair of questions:
- Name one brand whose values you feel best align with your own (an option to say ‘no brand’ was provided).
- Name one brand whose values you feel do not align with your own (again, an option to say ‘no brand’ was provided).
The results from these questions did not affect the rankings, but they do give us another facet of insight into consumer brand choice. We'll be sharing the results throughout our analysis content.
4. New brand rivalry
We've added H&M versus Uniqlo to the collection of animated brand rivalries, and updated all the existing rivalries with facts from the past 12 months.
METHODOLOGY Asia’s Top 1000 Brands aggregates data from an online survey developed by Campaign Asia-Pacific and global information and insights provider Nielsen. The survey was conducted between March 13 and April 10, 2019. The study explores consumer attitudes in 14 markets: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Research relies on a total of 400 respondents in each market. In Japan, India and China, participants number 800, 1200 and 2000, respectively. To be representative of market populations, survey quotas target age, gender and monthly household income. CATEGORIES The study encompasses 15 major categories: alcohol; apparel and accessories; automotive; beverages; consumer electronics; courier services; financial services; food; home appliances; household and personal care; media and telecommunications; restaurants; retail; sports properties; and transpor, travel and leisure. WIthin these major categories there are 81 sub-categories. Categories and sub-categories change a bit each year. The main tweaks this year were:
QUESTIONS Participants gave their response to the following questions: Question 1: “When you think of the following category, which is the best brand that comes to your mind? By best, we mean the one that you trust the most or the one that has the best reputation in this category.” Question 2: “Apart from the best brand that you entered, which brand do you consider to be the second best brand in the category?” |