Staff Reporters
23 hours ago

How that Netflix noise sells Burger King in Korea

AD SHORTS: Independent agency Innored partnered with Netflix to borrow it's 'ta-dum' sound to market Burger King's 'du-tum' (thick) burger.

Campaign: Burger King X Netflix ‘Dutum Burger’ 
Brand: Burger King
Agency: Innored

One way to quickly gain recognition for a new product is to synonymously link it to something else that is already well-known.

The Netflix 'ta-dum' sound at the start of its videos is instantly recognisable to millions of subscribers.

So when Burger King sought to market its new 'thick' burger in Korea, combining many already popular ingredients like chicken, beef and bacon, it took its inspiration from Netflix's sonic branding, transforming the onomatopoetic word, ‘tudum,’ into their 'dutum' or 'thick' burger in Korean.

The campaign further uses Netflix's subtitle feature to market the unique flavours and selling points of each ingredient. 

The agency says the partnership will improve the popularity both brands and notes more than 140,000 'Dutum' burgers were sold in the first week of the campaign, without providing comparables.

Campaign's take: It's an creative play on sonic branding with two popular brands and a clever way for a new product to gain instant recognition. One can't help thinking there could be many more interesting attention-getting collaborations, though perhaps it's better to take baby steps. Squid Game sandwich, anyone?

Campaign Asia

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